The structure of the eddy current separator

2021-03-05 11:45上一篇 |下一篇

What are the structure of the eddy current separator?Here are the company's technical staff to introduce to you, hope we can better help to you.
1. The appearance of the structure: on the relationship between the average person appearance is not very big, but a lot of small details often can see in the appearance.First of all, the factory for your production line design must be detailed ask you into the feed port and discharging port size and height, and then the overall design will be different from and you watch the experiment machine, but the more harmonious.In addition, the necessary sign warning must have, pacemaker users do not close to strong magnetic products, magnetic tool to watch the falling, maintenance to power outages and other professional reminder;Besides professional manufacturer in paint on collocation, both color and matching degree is very pleasing.  
2. The way of replacement parts, eddy current separator is wearing parts, the most obvious is the conveying belt.Due to carrying all kinds of materials and some corrosive, some may be sharp can cut the belt, some wet, some quality is bigger.These could cause the belt broken within a week, the structure design of eddy current separator is very exquisite.With the fastest the most convenient way to replace the belt, keep production going on.Other parts and bearings, below will be mentioned.  
3. The bearing relies on the design principle of the eddy current is a high-speed magnetic roller.Drive is not a problem, but the design of the bearing is crucial, so high speed to choose appropriate high-speed bearing, model determines the effect at the same time, the bearing running sound, whether fever became eddy current separator to identify key points of the heaviest. 
4. The automation design automation design including the automatic operation of the machine and the design of the sensor.Principle of eddy current equipment is expensive, complex, so most people can't use will not use casually, so it's very important to automation operation design, have a key to start a key stop, bearing temperature and sound have the sensor control if exceed the set value will have alarm Settings, facilitate dilettante equipment management personnel to properly control